Oslo Aikido Klubb logo Oslo Aikidoklubb

Kuribayashi Shihan, Oslo 13.-15. september 2024

Alle aikidoka i Oslo, Norge og/eller utlandet blir herved invitert til å delta på dette seminaret. Også nybegynnere vil ha god nytte av deltakelse! Velkommen!

Fra 13/09/2024 til 15/09/2024



Kuribayashi Shihan, 7. dan Hombu Dojo


Fredag, 13. september
19:00 - 21:00 Aikidokurs
Lørdag, 14. september
10:00 - 12:00 Aikidokurs
15:00 - 17:00 Aikidokurs
Søndag, 15. september
11:00 - 13:00 Aikidokurs


Moldegata 7
0445 Oslo

T-bane 5: Nydalen stasjon, eller buss 37/54 Bjølsen stopp


Whole seminar1000 NOK
Per class300 NOK
Students20% for the whole seminar


We really would appreciate your pre-payment in NOK (Norwegian Crowns) in advance.
That helps out planning and reduces the registration queue at the venue.


Please calculate the right total amount for seminar fee + dojo overnight fees, and so on, then proceed to your payment! For international bank transfers from outside Norway add NOK 50,- to cover bank fees on our side. Please mark ALL payments with «Kuri24» and «who the payment is for» (your name(s))!

Domestic payment (inside Norway)

VippsSend the payment to the number 41560235 (Thy Thy Vanem)
Write the message «Kuri24 + your name»
Bank transferTransfer to the account 1645 0763 857 (Oslo Aikidoklubb, DnB)

International bank transfer (from outside Norway)

Or transfer by Wise.com (use «registration@osloaikido.no»)

RecipientOslo Aikidoklubb
Recipient’s addressEikenga 17, 0597 Oslo, Norway

International bank transfer (from outside Norway)

Or transfer by Wise.com (use «registration@osloaikido.no»)

RecipientOslo Aikidoklubb
Recipient’s addressEikenga 17, 0597 Oslo, Norway


If you send an email to registration@osloaikido.no you will be contacted by aikimama@gmail.com.

Oslo Aikidoklubb

Bring your sleeping bag and breakfast, there are showers and a kitchen available – involves travelling by bus and metro – costs NOK 100,- – to be paid together with seminar fees!

Hotel nearby

Share double room with another seminar participant – includes breakfast

AirBnB (nearby?)

Share double room with another seminar participant – bring breakfast yourself.

Hotel/AirBnB only

If you want to share a room with a specific person, write this under «other».

Limited availability, first come, first served, to be paid separately!