Alle aikidoka i Oslo, Norge og/eller utlandet blir herved invitert til å delta på dette seminaret. Også nybegynnere vil ha god nytte av deltakelse! Velkommen!
Fra 13/09/2024 til 15/09/2024
Alle aikidoka i Oslo, Norge og/eller utlandet blir herved invitert til å delta på dette seminaret. Også nybegynnere vil ha god nytte av deltakelse! Velkommen!
Fra 13/09/2024 til 15/09/2024
Kuribayashi Shihan, 7. dan Hombu Dojo
Oslo Aikidoklubb:
Fredag, 13. september |
Lørdag, 14. september |
Søndag, 15. september |
T-bane 5: Nydalen stasjon, eller buss 37/54 Bjølsen stopp
Whole seminar | 1000 NOK |
Per class | 300 NOK |
Students | 20% for the whole seminar |
We really would appreciate your pre-payment in NOK (Norwegian Crowns) in advance.
That helps out planning and reduces the registration queue at the venue.
Please calculate the right total amount for seminar fee + dojo overnight fees, and so on, then proceed to your payment! For international bank transfers from outside Norway add NOK 50,- to cover bank fees on our side. Please mark ALL payments with «Kuri24» and «who the payment is for» (your name(s))!
Vipps | Send the payment to the number 41560235 (Thy Thy Vanem) Write the message «Kuri24 + your name» |
Bank transfer | Transfer to the account 1645 0763 857 (Oslo Aikidoklubb, DnB) |
Or transfer by (use «»)
IBAN | NO7416450763857 |
Recipient | Oslo Aikidoklubb |
Recipient’s address | Eikenga 17, 0597 Oslo, Norway |
Or transfer by (use «»)
IBAN | NO7416450763857 |
Recipient | Oslo Aikidoklubb |
Recipient’s address | Eikenga 17, 0597 Oslo, Norway |
If you send an email to you will be contacted by
Bring your sleeping bag and breakfast, there are showers and a kitchen available – involves travelling by bus and metro – costs NOK 100,- – to be paid together with seminar fees!
Share double room with another seminar participant – includes breakfast
Share double room with another seminar participant – bring breakfast yourself.
If you want to share a room with a specific person, write this under «other».
Limited availability, first come, first served, to be paid separately!